Looking for something to watch on Netflix? Here are 10 binge-worthy docuseries that will get your attention and keep you watching.
12 Movies That Make You Think, If You Love Cerebral Movies
Movies are a great way to pass the time. Sure, the purpose of some are to simply scare or even make you laugh, but some are meant to make you ask the deep and meaningful questions, even after the credits are finished rolling across your screen. Whether you watch them alone, with a partner, or with family and friend...
135 Rumi Quotes That Will Take Your Breath Away – Wisdom Quotes
Access 135 of the best Rumi quotes today. You'll find inspiring quotes on love, life, silence, music, beauty, nature (with great images!)
Here Are 52 Inspiring Craft Ideas for the 55-Plus Crowd
This is the list you should be checking out if you want simple and enjoyable craft projects that will enliven your free time!
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Cette belle maison contemporaine est au coeur d'un parc naturel Villa Slow est une belle maison contemporaine située en Espagne, au coeur d'un parc naturel. Construite en s'inspirant de l'architecture paysanne, avec ses épais murs de pierres qui isolent naturellement des variations de températures, elle n'en présente pas moins une architecture au design actuel qui est réchauffé par les matériaux naturels utilisés pour sa décoration. Photo : Eugeni Pons
Edinburgh Charity Shops
Every time I go to Edinburgh, I have to put aside time to shop. And I’m not talking about the kind of shopping you do in New Town or on Princes Street. I’m talking about charity shops: the ultimate thrift shopping! These shops are everywhere in Edinburgh and whether you're an avid thrifter or not, y
Secret Spiderweb Experiment!
Magic spider web experiment for kids! Make spider webs appear with this fun and easy STEAM craft perfect for toddlers and preschool!