10 Ways to Achieve Freedom and Start Living Your Best Life

10 Ways to Achieve Freedom and Start Living Your Best Life

10 Ways to Achieve Freedom and Start Living Your Best Life

Learn how to achieve freedom and create your best life. 10 tips on how to have freedom, take back your power and live your dream life.

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Firsthand and Secondhand Accounts… with a Mentor Text an Anchor Chart! (Upper Elementary Snapshots)

Firsthand and Secondhand Accounts… with a Mentor Text an Anchor Chart! (Upper Elementary Snapshots)

Since February is about a week away, I thought I'd focus on the subject of firsthand and secondhand accounts. I find that it works perfectly to tie this concept in with Black History month. There are

What Causes Seasons? Anchor Chart for Elementary, Middle and High School

What Causes Seasons? Anchor Chart for Elementary, Middle and High School

Are you looking to decorate your classroom with fun, hand-drawn anchor charts/posters? Do you find it difficult to find the time to create, draw, outline and color? Don't fret. Give me the markers. Hi, I'm the Chart Lady! I love making engaging, eye catching and educational anchor charts. I also can draw/create any other topic you would like, just contact me directly and ask! My students absolutely love these posters and we use them daily. Many students are visual learners, so the colorful images really help them connect, recall and digest what we have learned. I call this anchor chart:…

The Lagoon

The Lagoon

About The Lagoon The remarkable but neglected story of Aristotle’s founding role in the scientific study of nature   Both a travelogue and a study of the origins of science, The Lagoon shows how an ancient thinker still has much to teach us today. Aristotle’s philosophy looms large over the history of Western thought, but the subject he most loved was biology. He wrote vast treatises on animals, dissecting them, classifying them, recording how they lived, fed, and bred. He founded a science. It can even be said that he founded science itself. In this luminous book, acclaimed biologist Armand…

AgeMaps – Bobby Neel Adams – Photographer

AgeMaps – Bobby Neel Adams – Photographer

Recently came across this really interesting work of the photographer Bobby Neel Adams. Called 'AgeMaps' "Two photographs of the same person, from different periods in time

Shouting Is Under Calling / Taryn Simon | ARTPIL

Shouting Is Under Calling / Taryn Simon | ARTPIL

"My works continually mutate under different politics, economies, cultures and times.... These disruptions and time’s passage are part of the work." –Taryn Simon