101 DATA SCIENCE Cheat Sheets (ML, DL, Scraping, Python, R, SQL, Maths & Statistics)

101 DATA SCIENCE Cheat Sheets (ML, DL, Scraping, Python, R, SQL, Maths & Statistics)

101 DATA SCIENCE Cheat Sheets (ML, DL, Scraping, Python, R, SQL, Maths & Statistics)

“Perhaps the best test of a man’s intelligence is his capacity for making a summary” — Lytton Strachey

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How to Write Arguments with Maximum Punch

How to Write Arguments with Maximum Punch

Arguments are one those things that are both exciting and difficult to write. These are creative writing tips for making sure they have max impact.

FREE 3D Shapes Activity Book

FREE 3D Shapes Activity Book

These 5 fun 3D shapes activities for kindergarten are a great way for students to learn about shape attributes while having a blast.

Character Motivation Worksheet – 4 Ways to Drive Your Character

Character Motivation Worksheet – 4 Ways to Drive Your Character

Need your character to do something, but not sure what would motivate them to do it? This character motivation worksheet can help!

Why and How to Teach Computer Coding to Primary Students – Lessons for Little Ones by Tina O’Block

Why and How to Teach Computer Coding to Primary Students – Lessons for Little Ones by Tina O’Block

Why Teach Computer Coding? There is no way of denying it, we live in a digital world. Computers, smartphones, and tablets are everywhere and practically everything we do requires some sort of programming. Since it is our job as educators to prepare students for the future, it is important to introduce and teach computer programming […]

PLA Ingeo 870 Filament – 1.75 mm / 1 Kg / Black

PLA Ingeo 870 Filament – 1.75 mm / 1 Kg / Black

The PLA Ingeo 870 Filament is a high-performance polymer developed specifically for 3D printing of technical and functional parts. This filament stands out mainly for its ease of printing and high strength.

14 Awesome Books about Money, Investing, Productivity and Happiness

14 Awesome Books about Money, Investing, Productivity and Happiness

Got a little extra free time around the holidays? Taking a few days off? This is a perfect time to settle down with a few books. (I know, I know. Leave it to me to take a nerd approach to the holidays.) I've compiled a list of some of my favorite books about money, investing, real estate, productivity and happiness. If you have some free time this month and you're looking for great reads, check these out. If you recommend other books that aren't on this list, PLEASE drop a line in the comments! Tell this community what you love…

7 Darstellungstechniken für Nicht-Models | Envato Tuts+

7 Darstellungstechniken für Nicht-Models | Envato Tuts+

Nicht jeder arbeitet zusammen mit Models. Viele Fotografen sind berufstätig mit alltäglichen Menschen und wir müssen sie wie Models aussehen lassen. Also, wie schaffst du das, wenn die Zielperson...

Success Is A Subjective Term

Success Is A Subjective Term

What's your definition?