Tainan: Where To Eat
Want to know where to eat and drink in Tainan? Jump in to discover quirky cafes, stylish bars and unique eateries in this characterful Taiwan city.
Bolivia’s technicolour megamansions built by locals to show new wealth
Quirky technicolour homes are now a common sight in the sprawling city of El Alta in east Bolivia. 'New wealth' residents invest their money in 'Cholets', a design of home created by a former bricklayer.
Огненная Шкинь
Каждый год мы возим участников конференции Архитектурное наследство по Подмосковью. В октябре 2010 с утра был Остров , потом Быково, Кривцы... Надвинулись хмурые низкие тучи, и короткий октябрьский день обещал закончиться еще раньше. Стало так темно, что видеть Шкинь в такой мгле…
Styles of ornament : Speltz, Alexander : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
A Night on the Town in Bygone LA
Where were you on a hot summer night in West Hollywood, circa 1948? Or '78? Pulling up an animal print stool at the Zebra Room, or sitting poolside at the Ambassador Hotel? Whether it was on the heels of Hollywood's Golden Era or the époque of Joan Didion cool, Los Angeles' hotels and restaurants ha
Lighting Is Used To Highlight The Rounded Balconies Of This Building
A new condo building in Bangkok, Thailand, uses lighting to highlight the curved facade.