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Susie McIntosh, Brunswick Heads

Susie McIntosh, Brunswick Heads

We spend the morning in Susie's modern Australian beach shack.

Bang Bang Tofu

Bang Bang Tofu

This Bang Bang Tofu is a delicious plant-based recipe that is sure to be a hit! It's crispy, saucy, a little spicy, and vegan. With only 8 ingredients, this is a super easy recipe!

Roasted Celery and Potato Soup | Tried and True Recipes

Roasted Celery and Potato Soup | Tried and True Recipes

This vegan roasted celery and potato soup is a great way to use up scrap veggies! This vegan soup recipe is a take on my favorite childhood soup.

How to Grow and Care for Mock Orange Shrubs | Gardener’s Path

How to Grow and Care for Mock Orange Shrubs | Gardener’s Path

Mock orange (Philadelphus) is an ornamental shrub loaded with sweet-scented white flowers. Learn how to add this beauty to your landscape now.

High-Protein Vegan Recipes

High-Protein Vegan Recipes

Healthy high-protein vegan recipes packed with veggies for plant-based diets. Easy for beginners, perfect for mealtime madness.

Tingimento natural: como começar? | Histórias de Casa

Tingimento natural: como começar? | Histórias de Casa

Que tal aproveitar a quarentena para aprender uma atividade que você possa fazer com as próprias mãos? O tema da matéria de hoje é tingimento natural em tecidos, uma técnica poética que explora a riqueza cromática das plantas. Veja a entrevista completa com a Maibe Maroccolo.

Low maintenance front garden ideas – the myths and the truth

Low maintenance front garden ideas – the myths and the truth

Find out which low maintenance front garden tips really work. How to have a beautiful front garden which will (almost) look after itself.

Arrange Plants In Your Garden – 3 Simple Ways | Yard landscaping, Front yard landscaping, Front yard

Arrange Plants In Your Garden – 3 Simple Ways | Yard landscaping, Front yard landscaping, Front yard

4 simple ways to arrange flowers and plants in your garden to get that beautiful layered look that you want... even if you're a beginner!