Mosaic crochet is a technique that uses BLO (back loops only) single crochet stitches and FLO (front loops) dropped double crochet stitches to create intricate designs. It is a fun technique to learn!
Spotlight: Susan Brubaker Knapp, Fiber Artist
Susan Brubaker Knapp is fiber artist, author, teacher, host of Quilting Arts TV and a Bernina Ambassador. And, also makes amazing art quilts!
How to Make a Potholder With Scrap Fabric
A super quick and easy way to make a potholder with scrap fabric you have lying around. These potholders are the perfect housewarming gift!
The 11 Things You Need To Know Before Sewing Minky Fabric
Here are 11 tips that you need to know before you start sewing minky fabric! It's the softest fabric and great for beginners! Click to see the tricks!
Employees Are Told Their Meeting With The CEO Counts As Lunch, So All 60 Of Them Maliciously Comply
"The CEO stops his spiel after a few minutes, our supervisor claims ignorance."
6 Techniques for Hand Quilting
Hand quilting is the technique of sewing together the three layers of a quilt (batting between two layers of fabric) in a decorative freehand stitch.
107 Home Decoration Ideas To Jazz Things Up
We’re pretty sure that you’ve heard it all before - spring is for renewal and a fresh start. However, this phrase will probably never get old because spring and our wish to change things up a bit is such a huge part of being a human (well, eating might be first on the list, but all that spring renewal stuff is also pretty high up), that this phrase always rings true. Now, about that ‘changing things up a bit’ part - we all do it differently, but why not apply this rule to all new and fresh home decoration ideas?…
DIY Quilted Zipper Pouch
How to make a cute quilted cosmetic zippered boxy bag! Free Sewing Tutorial
DIY Trendy Bendy Candles | Lynn Mumbing Mejia
Read more for all the details on DIY Trendy Bendy Candles.