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How to not be an annoying tourist, anywhere you go – café geneviève

How to not be an annoying tourist, anywhere you go – café geneviève

I have been a tourist in many different countries, and I've noticed a thing or two about how to be a successful tourist, and how to be the annoying clueless tourist. Let me help you avoid the annoying label- take these tips to heart for a successful and enjoyable trip abroad.

Easy DIY Incense Cones – Permacrafters

Easy DIY Incense Cones – Permacrafters

Learn how to make your own easy DIY incense cones from scratch with ingredients and tools you already have in your kitchen.

How To Paint A Bathtub Easily & Inexpensively

How To Paint A Bathtub Easily & Inexpensively

How To Paint A Bathtub - Looking for an inexpensive way to change the bathtub in your home? Paint it! It is easy and inexpensive and looks amazing!

Textiles and Board Games Inspire Large-Scale Murals that Span Sidewalks, Streets, and Staircases

Textiles and Board Games Inspire Large-Scale Murals that Span Sidewalks, Streets, and Staircases

Baltimore-based artists Jessie Unterhalter and Katey Truhn, known as Jessie and Katey, started creating murals because of the sheer accessibility of public art. The pair have always created work with a big visual impact, but as their designs grew they began to consider the possibility of working on the ground in addition to large-scale walls. Their site-specific floor works combine inspirations from both textiles and board games to create interactive walkways that encourage play and exploration. More

How to Add Pops of Color to Your Home on a Budget

How to Add Pops of Color to Your Home on a Budget

Color makes any space feel more alive. In this post, you'll find 15 unique, affordable ideas for how to pops of color to your home.

ODOR-BUSTING DIY Deodorant Recipes with Arrowroot: No Stain & No Baking Soda

ODOR-BUSTING DIY Deodorant Recipes with Arrowroot: No Stain & No Baking Soda

Making your own deodorant is simpler than you might think. And super fun, trust me. The goal? To remove those harsh chemicals from your life and replace them with something homemade in your kitchen. As

Brazilian Artist Specializes In Embroidery Tattoos That Look Like Patches On Your Skin (80 New Pics)

Brazilian Artist Specializes In Embroidery Tattoos That Look Like Patches On Your Skin (80 New Pics)

Embroidery tattoos might sound like an unlikely combination, but Sao Paulo-based tattoo artist Eduardo "Duda" Lozano has made a name for himself by pioneering this unique style. With over two decades of experience as a tattoo artist, Lozano has recently begun exploring the art of embroidery tattoos, in which he creates designs that mimic the look of hand-stitched embroidery. Despite being a relatively new style, Lozano's work in this field has already gained him global recognition and invitations to international tattoo conventions.

30 Photos Show How People Look Before And After Their Hair Transformation

30 Photos Show How People Look Before And After Their Hair Transformation

If you have ever had long hair or haven‘t changed your hairstyle in a hot minute, you might agree that it can become a security blanket, so it‘s often very hard to make that step and spice up things a bit. On the other hand, once you do it, it can be an immediate confidence boost. It‘s probably the main reason why people tend to experiment with their hair after major life changes.

Einrichtungstrends 2023: 23 unverzichtbare Looks fur ein stilvolles Zuhause

Einrichtungstrends 2023: 23 unverzichtbare Looks fur ein stilvolles Zuhause

Was in Mode ist, spricht nicht nur unser ästhetisches Empfinden an, sondern auch, wie wir leben wollen. Trends weisen oft auf einen stetigen Wandel hin zu einer neuen Lebensweise hin. Die...