Planting flowers in your vegetable garden is a great way to make sure you have plenty of vegetables, and keeping flowers around will encourage pollinators to come into your yard.
Tofu Quinoa Sushi Bowl
Tofu Quinoa Sushi Bowl A quick and delicious meal that you can enjoy for lunch or dinner. This tofu quinoa sushi bowl is both tasty and nutritious! For many people, January is about developing new habits, self improvement and meeting health goals. However, this tends to be short lived as the temptation is for us to flip our diet on its head and change it completely as well as embark on a crazy new fitness regime that our bodies aren’t used to. The combination of both just gets on top of us and we lose the will to carry it…
7+ Smart Ways to Grow Garlic Indoors
Use these helpful tips to activate your green thumb and learn how to grow garlic indoors so you always have some for making flavorful meals.
Ландшафтный дизайн: палитра сада
Продолжу тему ландшафтного дизайна цветочной колористикой. Цвет передает настроение и эмоции. Можно нарисовать картинку или сделать перечисление. При этом цветовосприятие субъективно и в первую очередь при создании сада стоит отталкиваться от личных предпочтений. Картина: Перечисление:…
How to propagate lavender from cuttings: a step-by-step guide – Sage Creations Farm
Every fall, we propagate thousands of organic lavender plants from cuttings. Learning how to propagate is a fun and important skill for a lavender grower to learn, so we wanted to share our process with you. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to propagate lavender from cuttings. Step One: Begin with a healthy plant […]
20 Foods You Can Grow In Buckets Year Round
You might be surprised at all the foods you can grow in buckets on your balcony, porch, or patio. Here are some best foods to grow.
30 Charming Country Gardens To Inspire Your Own
Let’s take a stroll through some of our favorite country gardens over the years and see what makes them so inviting and carefree!
Gemüsebeet anlegen- wichtige Tipps für die Gartenarbeit im April
Wenn Sie bislang keine Zeit für Ihren Garten gefunden haben, können wir Sie nur beruhigen. Jetzt, wenn Sie die Ferien und das Osterfest erfolgreich hinter
Lar e escritório no mesmo apartamento | Open House – Casa de Valentina
Lar e escritório no mesmo apartamento. Confira o Open House completo pelo apartamento do arquiteto Antonio Armando de Araújo e inspire-se!
How to Amend the MOST HORRIBLE Soil in the World! (5 Tips to Help You Improve Your Soil) — All Posts Healing Harvest Homestead
NOTE: This article on amending terrible soil has been updated. It was first written when we lived in hot, arid climate with sandy, rocky soil, so parts will reflect this. We have since moved to N. Idaho, where the soil is wet clay—-completely different. BUT the concepts are pretty much the same for