Check out these super easy macrame projects for the beginner. You can complete them in a weekend and make something totally unique for your home.
30 Times Architects Made Buildings That Looked Unique But Were Uncomfortable To Live In (New Pics)
The world has its share of beautiful and ugly buildings. In the middle, there are ordinary and dull ones. And then, in a category entirely of their own, are the truly bizarre ones—the kind you need to see to believe.
Jane’s Journal | Visible mending with Flora Collingwood-Norris
visible mending with Flora Collingwood Norris, decorative Manding
How To Build A Lightweight Sliding Barn Door
Find me one person on this planet that doesn't love a good sliding barn door. Go ahead. Its just not possible. They are like puppies. Impossible to resist. The sliding door in Alicia’s Office was
How to make an invisible knot to join two yarn tails. – The Blog – US/UK
What we like the least as knitters is having to join one yarn ball to another with bothersome knots, which later show on our projects. That’s why in the We…
How To Transfer Embroidery Patterns – video | Shiny Happy World
In this video I show you three different ways to transfer embroidery patterns - including super tricky fabrics like black velvet. I mention a couple of products in this video. One is Sulky Solvy. The other is an iron-on transfer pen or pencil. Both are from Sulky and both work really well. But. . .
Samantha Russo — a Sketchbook Conversation
Today's Sketchbook Conversation is with Samantha Russo. Here's Samantha's story: My name is Samantha Russo and I am a mixed ...