This list of unusual and beautiful words will not only enrich your vocabulary but also allow you to perceive the world differently.
Just Read These 23 Tweets From This Week And You’ll Laugh, Ok?
"Once I get clear skin, laser hair removal, teeth whitening, lip injections, a new wardrobe, you hoes are done.""
Zucchini Scampi
This veggie-packed twist on scampi makes zucchini and summer squash the star of the plate instead of shrimp. We love the mix of squash, but you can use one or the other if you prefer.
17 Uses for Vicks VapoRub
While most people use Vicks VapoRub when they have a cold, there are many other uses for Vicks VapoRub you may not know about.
10 Gelatin Benefits + 14 Delicious Ways to Eat It Daily
From a healthy gut to strong hair and nails, the benefits of gelatin are many! Here are 14 ways to eat this superfood on a daily basis!
Butter’d Helly Jelly Multi-Purpose Non-Petroleum Skin Jelly and Protectant -4 fl oz.
Toss that V*seline and make room for your new multi-purpose wonder. Introducing Helly Jelly, the revolutionary skin jelly and protectant from BUTTER'D. This balm locks in moisture, helps heal wounds, treats cracked skin, and prevents rashes without the chemicals present in your everyday petroleum jelly. Plus, it's a safe alternative for parents looking to protect and soothe their baby's sensitive skin. Free of cancer causing chemicals like parabens, mineral oil, and formaldehyde. All five of Helly Jelly's ingredients are clean and eco-friendly. Available in 1 oz. and 4 oz.
35 Greatest Ways to Pair a Wolf Cut with Bangs
If you're looking for a hairstyle that offers tons of movement and volume, check out this gallery. Gathered here are the best wolf haircuts with bangs that you must consider!
背伸びしないベーシックスタイルに陽気な柄アイテムで個性を加えて | 特集 | ファッション |
気取らないカジュアルスタイルに密かな乙女心を忍ばせて いつかの私みたいな等身大のヒロインがお手本。デニムパンツの控えめなフレアシルエットやTシャツのタックインで、ベーシックな着こなしの中にもスタイルアップを叶える小技を
I want to age like sea glass
Bernadette’s beautiful poem echoes messages of wonder, possibility, and acceptance.