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75 Affirmations For Marriage – To Help Strengthen & Empower Your Relationship

75 Affirmations For Marriage – To Help Strengthen & Empower Your Relationship

Creating a marriage that is happy, healthy, and thriving can sometimes feel like hard work. It takes time, effort, and a lot of communication. And when there are all the other demands on your time

Sunset Couple session aboard a Riva Boat. Villa Pizzo, Lake Como

Sunset Couple session aboard a Riva Boat. Villa Pizzo, Lake Como

Jaclyn and Jason tied the knot in the magnificence of Villa Erba in Lake Como. Jaclyn wore a gorgeous Ines Di Santo Bridal gown. To rejoice with bride and groom there always was a squad of fashionable Bridesmaid and Groomsmen .

Elegant Meets Organic Colorado Ranch Wedding | Junebug Weddings

Elegant Meets Organic Colorado Ranch Wedding | Junebug Weddings

This private ranch wedding in Colorado perfectly channeled the organic beauty and rustic elegance that's so unique to mountain-area weddings.

16 Unforgettable Places We Traveled To This Year

16 Unforgettable Places We Traveled To This Year

Add these to your 2019 bucket list.