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Enjoy FREE Access to Endless Printables! – Simply September

Enjoy FREE Access to Endless Printables! – Simply September

Enjoy FREE and instant access to endless digital printables! Calendars, seasonal, decor, kid crafts, and more!

빌딩 그리는 법

빌딩 그리는 법

주의해 주세요 (WARNING) 그림을 그리는 모든 사람들에게 도움이 되었으면 해서 작업한 내용입니다. 가능한 원작자분과 연락을 해서 허락을 얻은 다음에 번역하려고 노력 중입니다. 얼마든지 퍼가셔도 되지만, 원작자의 허가없이 상업적으로 사용하거나 수정하시면 안 됩니다^^;; 가급적 출처는 밝혀주시면 좋겠습니다. 원작자 출처 -

13 best things to do in Matera, Italy

13 best things to do in Matera, Italy

Read our ultimate guide to one of Italy's most charming cities and find out why you need to visit Matera now! Best things to do, top tips & practical info.

Mildura food, Stefano de Pieri

Mildura food, Stefano de Pieri

We mustn't delay though because we are expected in the town centre, about five minute's walk away from the houseboat and markets. Tonight is the start of the Arts Festival and the town of 60,000 people buzzing. We're headed to Stefano de Pieri's newest venture, the Mildura Brewery. Stefano's face beams down from posters around town and he is akin to a town mayor. He helped put Mildura on the map with his "A Gondola on the Murray" television series. He is warm and welcoming and surprisingly hands on. He is busy running around bringing dishes to tables and making…

Magickal Fatigue: When You Need Inspiration

Magickal Fatigue: When You Need Inspiration

There comes a time every year when you are just worn down, worn out, and tired. Exhausted, fed up, tired of people, tired of the day-to-day drudge. Maybe it happens more than once a year. Maybe you save it for special occasions. You have what can be termed Magickal Fatigue, and what you need is inspiration, oomph, motivation, just something.

I Turn Basic Clothes Into Art Fashion Inspired By Pop Culture Trends

I Turn Basic Clothes Into Art Fashion Inspired By Pop Culture Trends

Hi everyone. My name is Daria, I am an artist and I paint on clothes. I draw inspiration for my designs from current trends such as music videos, movies, celebrities, and Instagram trends. I use fabric paints for painting, so clothes I create are not only unique and eye-catching but wearable and washable as well.