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Glazed blush : l’ultime tendance maquillage pour réveiller le teint

Glazed blush : l’ultime tendance maquillage pour réveiller le teint

Pour afficher un teint lumineux et éclatant même en plein mois de janvier, la tendance du « glazed blush » est celle que l’on adopte les yeux fermés.

19 Most Beautiful Places to Visit in Oregon – The Crazy Tourist

19 Most Beautiful Places to Visit in Oregon – The Crazy Tourist

Oregon, also known as the Beaver State, has some of the most beautiful and spectacular sights and places to visit! Just browse through these awesome pictures I found and be ... Read more

These 30 Women Who Ditched Dyeing Their Hair Look So Fabulous, They May Convince You To Do The Same (New Pics)

These 30 Women Who Ditched Dyeing Their Hair Look So Fabulous, They May Convince You To Do The Same (New Pics)

Gray hair is nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, pure silver looks utterly fantastic. So fantastic that you might want to flaunt it in front of the world. And that's what the Grombre community is all about at its core—celebrating gray, silver, and white hair, as well as helping women find confidence in their natural look.

9 Glitter Eyeshadows That’ll Sparkle While You WFH

9 Glitter Eyeshadows That’ll Sparkle While You WFH

We all deserve a little extra glitter

Homemade Body Butter

Homemade Body Butter

Why body butter? It’s scoopable and rich and easy to spread on your skin — all over. It doesn’t wear off or wash off easily like lotion. It works well in summer or winter. I usually double the recipe because you can’t have enough of this stuff! Used with permission from Renee Harris’ My Buttered Life: Summer Edition. Makes 1 quart (depending on how much you whip it).

A running tally of all the ‘spendy’ and ‘savey’ recommendations from the You Beauty podcast.

A running tally of all the ‘spendy’ and ‘savey’ recommendations from the You Beauty podcast.

You Beauty podcast recommendations: All Leigh Campbell and Kelly McCarren's 'Spendy' and 'Savey' beauty product recommendations.

12 best JUICE CURE – There’s A Juice To Cure Every Health Condition – The Little Shine

12 best JUICE CURE – There’s A Juice To Cure Every Health Condition – The Little Shine

Juice cures dates back to the ancient past, the time when home remedies were the go-to cures for most ailments and health issues. Juice cures treat these ailments or health issues just by drinking juices made from raw fruits and vegetables. This was also known as ‘Raw Juice Therapy’. Juice cure or raw juice therapy […]