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The Daily Life Objects by Philip Lück’s Twist Reality | Man of Many

The Daily Life Objects by Philip Lück’s Twist Reality | Man of Many

Philip Lück, or Philiplueck as he is known on Instagram, is one of those guys who didn’t let a lack of knowledge or skills get in his way. The 24 year old 3D artist has never had any formal training in graphic design or in 3D illustration. Instead, he’s self-taught, and his works, as shown […]

TWDW taiwan designers’ week 2013

TWDW taiwan designers’ week 2013

TWDW taiwan designers week 2013, an emerging design festival, has had a significant growth in the last five years.

Tree-House / ROOM+ Design & Build

Tree-House / ROOM+ Design & Build

Image 6 of 29 from gallery of Tree-House / ROOM+ Design & Build. Photograph by Sonmeo Nguyen Art Studio

Hollywood memorabilia auction

Hollywood memorabilia auction

Peter Fonda's "Easy Rider" chopper is among the items on the Profiles in History auction black

These Artists Re-Created Famous Album Covers To Promote Social Distancing, And They’re Funny As Hell

These Artists Re-Created Famous Album Covers To Promote Social Distancing, And They’re Funny As Hell

You'll never look at N.W.A's Straight Outta Compton cover the same way again.