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Alien fans, Ripley is back to face her foe once more

Alien fans, Ripley is back to face her foe once more

The director said he was keen to cast the actress after working with her on new film 'Chappie'

Shining star: Anya Taylor-Joy’s future couldn’t be brighter

Shining star: Anya Taylor-Joy’s future couldn’t be brighter

In Sydney to headline the biggest Australian movie ever made, and with two star-studded films about to hit cinemas, Anya Taylor-Joy is on the unstoppable ride of her life, and she’s doing it all her own way.

72 Disegni di Hello Kitty da Colorare

Una raccolta di ben 72 disegni di Hello Kitty pronti da stampare e far colorare ai vostri bambini anche in versione PDF da scaricare gratis