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Gallery of Notre-Dame / Le Borgne Rizk Architecture – 5

Gallery of Notre-Dame / Le Borgne Rizk Architecture  – 5

Image 5 of 18 from gallery of Notre-Dame / Le Borgne Rizk Architecture. Photograph by Maxime Brouillet

São Paulo, a cidade que acontece | Chicken or Pasta?

São Paulo, a cidade que acontece | Chicken or Pasta?

São Paulo está tão legal e com tantas coisas incríveis acontecendo, que ficou impossível para a gente não fazer um guia focado na cidade que tanto amamos. É cla...

Zaha Hadid’s Guangzhou Opera House – in pictures

Zaha Hadid’s Guangzhou Opera House – in pictures

Zaha Hadid's Guangzhou Opera House has just opened in China in spectacular, asymmetrical style. Here's what it looks like inside and out

2017 Topic #4: Doors, Windows and Architecture {Challenge}

2017 Topic #4: Doors, Windows and Architecture {Challenge}

Innovative creativity from PaperArtsy. Paint, stencils, and techniques galore for any mixed media enthusiast to enjoy.

An Insiders Guide: Austria – Vienna to Admont to Hallstatt to Gmunden – Dame Traveler

An Insiders Guide: Austria – Vienna to Admont to Hallstatt to Gmunden – Dame Traveler

Sharing a few key sights in Vienna before getting a glimpse of the Austrian countryside with a visit to the Admont Abbey Library. Where to Stay Starting in Vienna (or Wien in German), the capital of Austria, I situated myself in the 3rd district. Vienna is broken into 23 districts, with the 1st being the

Photos of NYC During Quarantine | 40 Portraits of New York City – Dana Berez

Photos of NYC During Quarantine | 40 Portraits of New York City – Dana Berez

Photos of NYC During Quarantine Firstly, welcome to my blog. If you are new here, I'm Dana a travel blogger based in New York City and have been living here for 8 years. New York has never been seen like this, and I wanted to show Photos of NYC During Quarantine. Photography has always been