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30 Pet Names That Members Of This Online Community Have Encountered And Found The Absolute Worst

30 Pet Names That Members Of This Online Community Have Encountered And Found The Absolute Worst

People often consider animals to be full members of their families - and indeed, sometimes there are special animals that fully justify such a status. Well, if it's a family member, then it must have some outstanding name.

15 Stunning Home Libraries – Design Asylum Blog | by Kellie Smith

15 Stunning Home Libraries – Design Asylum Blog | by Kellie Smith

Stunning home libraries, what could be better? Let's take a look at 15 home libraries that have caught my design eyes. Ready to curl up with a good book?

Felted Wool Balls

Felted Wool Balls

The Lazy Milliner tips us off to these colorful felted balls Turvid whipped up for her kids using bits and pieces of wool yarn. I love the marbleized look

‘Neckbeards’: 35 Times People Shared Their Opinions Without Realizing How Hateful They Are

‘Neckbeards’: 35 Times People Shared Their Opinions Without Realizing How Hateful They Are

Neckbeard is a pejorative online term to describe a person who exhibits social awkwardness, underachievement, and pretentiousness.