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15 Signs of a Gifted Child

15 Signs of a Gifted Child

We need to understand that gifted children are not just “bright” – a highly subjective label. 15 signs of a gifted child--read on to learn.

Fun Science Activities for Middle School

Fun Science Activities for Middle School

When I say science activities for middle school, do you groan or cheer? It's one of our favorite subjects. And why not? It's full of cool hands-on experiments that help kids explore their world.

Charge and the Energy Body

Charge and the Energy Body

Use the power of life force to live your highest potential. We all know what it’s like to have a “charge” about something. It’s a feeling of excitement, fear, sexual arousal, or...

Expositor 1.1

Expositor 1.1

Expositor 1.1 is a handy slide-rule based exposure calculator for photography. Normal use: Pick the situation you're shooting, then slide the ruler until your camera's ISO is lined up next to it, and every combination of F-stop and shutter speed to the left will get you close to a perfect exposure. Advanced use, settings based on artistic intent: For a more creative example, let's calculate shooting sports on an overcast day with a shallow depth of field (F4) to isolate the subject, and a fast shutter (1/500s) to stop motion. Match the F-stop and speed, then check the ISO value…

Computational Portraits Visually Translate a State of Limbo

Computational Portraits Visually Translate a State of Limbo

Originally from Singapore and currently studying at the Rhode Island School of Design, artist Andre Wee constructs figurative and metaphoric

Kagan strategies that help – The Wright Nook

Kagan strategies that help – The Wright Nook

Kagan strategies are nothing new – if you haven’t been to a conference then surely you know a teacher who has. I was one of those teachers that absorbed all the information teachers could give me about Kagan Learning since I was never lucky enough to attend. While I pushed cooperative learning and being interactive, […]