19 Hummus Recipes – Easy Homemade Spreads

19 Hummus Recipes – Easy Homemade Spreads

19 Hummus Recipes – Easy Homemade Spreads

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How To Revive A Dying Orchid

How To Revive A Dying Orchid

Orchids are attractive and fragrant flowering plants that thrive indoors and out once established. Learn why your orchid is suddenly dead and how to revive it.

9 African Violet Mistakes That Keep Your Plant from Flowering

9 African Violet Mistakes That Keep Your Plant from Flowering

If you’re having trouble getting your African violet to bloom, let’s look at a few of these common mistakes and get you sorted out.

Sopa Tarasca (Pinto Bean Soup) with Jalapeño Corn Fritters

Sopa Tarasca (Pinto Bean Soup) with Jalapeño Corn Fritters

Let's make Sopa Tarasca! It's a creamy, silky Mexican-inspired soup made with pinto beans, warm chili spices, and whole tomatoes. And you NEED a big pile of the jalapeño corn fritters on top. Drooling over this one!

How to Grow Garlic: Seeds, Varieties, Harvest, Curing, Storage & More!

How to Grow Garlic: Seeds, Varieties, Harvest, Curing, Storage & More!

Come learn how to grow garlic in any zone, including when and how to plant garlic cloves, tips for soil prep, containers, mulch, and more!

10 Of The Best Indoor Plants That Don’t Need Sunlight | Typically Topical

10 Of The Best Indoor Plants That Don’t Need Sunlight | Typically Topical

The simple solution? Decorate your home with plants that don't need sunlight or can thrive in very low light conditions.

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Design et architecture pour une ferme espagnole Pour Joan Lao, designer, il n'y a pas de séparation entre design intérieur et architecture. C'est ce qu'il a essayé de combiner dans cette ancienne ferme espagnole située au milieu d'un domaine immergé dans un parc naturel. Avec sa femme Adalina Coromines, plasticienne et et sa fille África Lao,designer d'intérieur, ils ont fait de cet endroit un refuge familial, écologique et raffiné pensé à trois. Photo : Eugeni Pons.