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Coupe papillon longue

Coupe papillon longue

Que pensez-vous d'une chevelure rebondie avec des couches luxueuses et fluides qui non seulement amplifient le volume mais encadrent aussi délicatement le visage ? La coupe papillon est tout cela et bien plus encore : polyvalente, flatteuse et ouvrant la voie à la liberté d'expression.

Best Sweat Proof Drugstore Makeup that Even Humidity Won’t Ruin | Slashed Beauty

Best Sweat Proof Drugstore Makeup that Even Humidity Won’t Ruin | Slashed Beauty

This makeup won't melt off in humidity! These are the best sweat proof drugstore makeup finds that will stay put all day, even in humidity.

33+ Super Easy Hairstyles For Greasy Hair For Your Bad Hair Day

33+ Super Easy Hairstyles For Greasy Hair For Your Bad Hair Day

No time to wash your hair? We've all been there. Here are over 30 easy and fast hairstyles for greasy hair that will help you get through the day.

10 Things That Happen When You Start Dry Brushing

10 Things That Happen When You Start Dry Brushing

Dry body brushing has become a hugely popular health and beauty ritual over recent years, but this simple practice actually dates back to ancient times. The Japanese used to vigorously brush their skin prior to