20+ Easy Sketch Ideas Beginners Can Draw
If you're an artist or an aspiring artist looking for easy sketch ideas, look no further. I've rounded easy drawing ideas to inspire you.
Artist Places Modern Magazine Covers over Classic Paintings
In his most famous painting, Sandro Botticelli showed Angelina Jolie rising from the sea on a half shell. That at least is this interpretation by Eisen Bernard Bernardo, an artist in Los Baños, the Philippines. For his series Mag + Art, he takes photos of celebrities from magazine covers and places them neatly over the images of people in famous works of Western art.-via Visual News...
3 Ateliers de Dessin Gratuit | 3 – Cours de Dessin
ATELIER #3 « Grâce à mes Carnets de Voyage je me sens mieux, je suis moins pressée, je savoure l’instant. En plus, j’ai aussi appris à dessiner plus vite et aller à l’essentiel sans stress. » Le plaisir du dessin Pour moi voyager autrement, c’est apporter la possibilité et la motivation à toute personne désirant dessiner son […]
500+ Cute Couple Nicknames for Him or Her — Find Nicknames
Nicknames are kinda silly, but for lovers and romantic partners "kinda silly" is what we do. Enjoy using these cute couple nicknames.