Lions have always been my all time favorite animal. As a kid, I was pretty much obsessed with “The Lion King” and I would constantly beg my parents to bring me to the zoo so I could press my face against the glass and see Simba in real life. I was…
10 Recipes to Use Up Your Apples this Fall
Apple Recipes It's time for apple picking! It's easy to get carried away and before you know it you have more apples than you know what to do with. No worries then, because here is
Películas Christian Bale: American Psycho
Christian Bale interpreta a un yuppie neoyorkino que descubre su pasión por la sangre y pasa a ser un asesino en serie del que nadie sospechará en la película American Psycho
15 Películas cargadas de buen gusto, impecables en cada detalle
Una buena película puede aportar al espectador el estado de ánimo deseado, llenarlo de emociones positivas, devolverle la fe en uno mismo e incluso inspirarle a conseguir grandes logros. Crear una atmósfera cinematográfica única es un trabajo que corresponde, no solo a director, guionista y actores, sino también a los diseñadores de vestuario, decoradores, artistas y maquilladores. Todos aportan su grano de arena para lograr que una buena obra acabe siendo maestra.
Soft & Chewy S’mores Cookies – Best Desserts
These gooey, soft, and chewy S'mores Cookies have all the elements of classic campfire s'mores in a cookie that is chock full of chocolate, graham crackers, and toasted marshmallows so you can enjoy this summertime favorite all year long.
12-Step Tips to Identifying and Removing Character Defects
Learn how to identify character defects as referenced in Step Four of 12-step programs. Explore the evaluation of your own faults in the lens of recovery.