At the Rose Garden at Huntington Library
Such a beautiful place!
Estos expresivos dibujos capturan los detalles de la arquitectura italiana
Un viaje por Italia a través del papel y la tinta.
Appartement Paris de l’extérieur : vis à vis de Gail Albert Halaban
Après avoir pris en photo l'intérieur des appartements new-yorkais, l'artiste Gail Albert Halaban se penche cette fois sur le quotidien des parisiens, vu de l'extérieur. Sans tomber dans le voyeurisme, l'américaine réussit ici à magnifier ces scènes intimes. La preuve en six clichés.
Step Inside This Grand Rockefeller Manse in Upstate New York
Socialite Happy Rockefeller passed away earlier this week at the age of 88. And while she may have been known for her philanthropic work (and her controversial marriage to Governor Nelson Aldrich...
Gallery of Casa de Silva / ICONCAST – 3
Image 3 of 33 from gallery of Casa de Silva / ICONCAST. Photograph by Ganidu Balasuriya
Gallery of 26 Handy Architecture Cheat Sheets – 26
Image 26 of 28 from gallery of 26 Handy Architecture Cheat Sheets. Home Stratosphere / via Pinterest
Soft Light: Vintage Style Lighting from Flame of Japan
Flame of Japan advocates for candle-like lighting at home. It offers a range of well-made pendant lights, table lamps, and more that have a vintage look.
Miami of India: The Forgotten Capital of Art Deco
Mumbai; the gateway to India, home of Bollywood cinema, infamous for its slumdogs and shanty towns. But did anyone know the city also has the second largest number of surviving Art Deco buildings in the world after Miami? Flickr Photos (c) Sandra Cohen Rose and Colin Rose While visitors to the I