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Top 10 Best Dog Breeds For A Home With Children

Top 10 Best Dog Breeds For A Home With Children

Owning a dog has a healing effect on the owners. Dogs are especially good for the children, given the fact that they teach responsibility and consistency. These animals have been used with children in therapy and have helped children who are developmentally challenged with their nonjudgmental and unquestioning companionship. Children have…

9 Personality Traits That Men Notice In Women Right Away

9 Personality Traits That Men Notice In Women Right Away

What do you first notice when meeting someone new? The answer is different for everyone. While some may be great body language readers, others may find more importance in the conversation they have when first meeting someone. But when it comes down…

Bizarre Bounty: 31 Unusual Things People Have a Passion for Collecting

Bizarre Bounty: 31 Unusual Things People Have a Passion for Collecting

Some odd and some cool collections people have devoted their lives to.

Unique jobs for fantasy novel characters creative writing aesthetic writing advice author writer tip

Unique jobs for fantasy novel characters creative writing aesthetic writing advice author writer tip

As much as I love royals, witches, rebels and assassins, there are other jobs out there for your fantasy heroes!

Collage Artists that Every Art Teacher Should Know

Collage Artists that Every Art Teacher Should Know

A collection of inspiring collage artists to engage art students in your Art Lessons. There is a collage artist for every art student here!

Как выглядит идеал девушки в искусстве сегодня: рисунки Сэма Янга

Как выглядит идеал девушки в искусстве сегодня: рисунки Сэма Янга

Если вы не одобряете такой типаж говорите. Но портреты таких милых красавиц в сети устойчиво популярны. И да, встречаются интересные художники, как Сэм Янг. Он живет в Торонто. У него есть канал на Youtube, аккаунт в Instagram (1,5 миллиона подписчиков) и пользовательский аккаунт. Он рисует…