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birds n blooms

birds n blooms

...the fruits of my labor... ttfn.

Quarantine with a Book, Free Crochet Patterns

Quarantine with a Book, Free Crochet Patterns

Discover crochet tips and find inspiration on Your Crochet's free patterns blog. Read our post, 'Quarantine with a Book, Free Crochet Patterns'.

Save Heat, Money, and Energy With Easy Pelmets for Your Windows

Save Heat, Money, and Energy With Easy Pelmets for Your Windows

Save Heat, Money, and Energy With Easy Pelmets for Your Windows: You lose a stack of energy around the windows of your house, even if you have blinds and curtains, and (apparently) you can save something like 15% of your energy just by adding pelmets to your windows. So I asked at the curtain shop how much…

Дизайнерские обои Эва

Дизайнерские обои Эва

Гибкие побеги молодых деревьев полны жизни и неги. Тонкие листья робко колышутся на ветру, радуя глаз. Их сочная зелень манит прикоснуться к себе, ощутить кончиками пальцев её прохладу и пластичность. Дизайнерские обои для стен “Эва” наполнят ваш дом весенней свежестью! Нежный и стильный акварельный рисунок гармонично впишется практически в любой интерьер, подчеркнув его уникальность. Рисунок

DESIGN || Discovering Milan Design Week — Pendulum Magazine

DESIGN || Discovering Milan Design Week — Pendulum Magazine

Milan is a fascinating city. The strong urban character of the streets, the traces of the industrial background and the deep roots in its Italian tradition combine to create a very distinctive atmosphere of individuality and sophistication. A trip to Milan must always include a walk around Duomo, a

Kid’s Apron – Free Pattern – Nana’s Favorites

Kid’s Apron – Free Pattern – Nana’s Favorites

Wouldn't it be fun to have your favorite child design their own apron and help with the sewing. It's EASY with this FREE kid's apron pattern and video.



Abmessungen: 24 x 10 x 17,5 cm Gewicht: 270g Brenndauer: Ungefähr 10 Stunden pro Ende Materialien: