Zaferaniye Garden Complex / Olgooco
Completed in 2016 in Tehran, Iran. Images by Mohammad Hassan Ettefagh. Zaferaniye garden complex is a private housing project, ordered by client at 2007 with 64 residential units and a total area of 38000 square meters,...
The Paradise Lost in Time / Interbreeding Field
Completed in 2010 in Taipei City, . Shihlin paper factory lies in the downtown of Taipei City, that is a big area ruined for a long time. Getting into the factory it divides into two...
Architecture Love in Paris
Wandering the streets in Paris and snapping photos of pretty much every.single.building… Yes, that is me. Beautiful carvings, delicious doors and the most beautiful iron railings all on repeat everywhere in Paris. Details and patina are two of my favorite things in architecture- and of course- there is an abundance of both in Paris. This…
未来の家はこうなる。企業と建築家が原寸大で構想する「HOUSE VISION」 | ROOMIE(ルーミー)
これからの家のあり方や、人々の集合のかたちを模索する「HOUSE VISION」の展覧会レポートです。今回のテーマは「CO-DIVIDUAL ─分かれてつながる/離れてあつまる」。人、街、地域、テクノロジーなど、個をどう再集合させるか、企業と建築家・クリエイターが協働提案します。
What London Taught Me About Beauty – Sigourney’s Edit – Beauticate
The best London hair salons, nail parlours, bathrooms, beauty brands, facialists and spas you need to know.
Raphael Navot, design ultra sensible
Depuis quinze ans, cet architecte designer parle autant au toucher qu'à la vue. Portrait d'un humble surdoué.