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Artist’s hyper-realistic paintings of food look good enough to eat

Artist’s hyper-realistic paintings of food look good enough to eat

The stunning paintings of food are the work of Dutch artist Tjalf Sparnaay, who creates mouthwatering representations of everyday food such as fried eggs, iced cakes and mouthwatering pastries.

How to write memorable side characters creative writing advice story tips ideas prompts novel book

How to write memorable side characters creative writing advice story tips ideas prompts novel book

This guide gives you some tips on how to write a side character who'll stick in your readers' minds.

Danielynn Birkhead as Mary Poppins Delights Readers

Danielynn Birkhead as Mary Poppins Delights Readers

Anna Nicole Smith's daughter makes a cute Mary Poppins, while Kim Kardashian, Nick Lachey and others also manage to amuse

Circle Time Ideas for Kids Who Can’t Sit Still – The Inspired Treehouse

Circle Time Ideas for Kids Who Can’t Sit Still – The Inspired Treehouse

These circle time ideas are the perfect way to provide support for wiggly, fidgety kids who can't sit still.

floraler Mantarochen

floraler Mantarochen

Der Mantarochen ist ein majestätisches und geheimnisvolles Tier, das durch seine Anmut fasziniert. Dieses vergängliche Tattoo ist mit floralen Motiven verbunden und ein wahres Kunstwerk, das die Schönheit der Natur und das Gleichgewicht zwischen Wasser und Erde symbolisiert. Mit diesem Tattoo verbinden Sie sich mit der Natur und betonen Ihre sensible und raffinierte Seite.

Writing ideas to add conflict to a story how to write a novel fight prompts argument advice author

Writing ideas to add conflict to a story how to write a novel fight prompts argument advice author

If you're looking to add conflict to your story or throw a few problems your characters' way, I've got some ideas for you.

3 Ways to Draw Storyboards – wikiHow

3 Ways to Draw Storyboards – wikiHow

Creating storyboards is a great way to map out your film and create a clear vision for each scene, and it's really easy to get started! We've put together a guide to walk you through everything you need to know about drawing your own...

15 Very “Important Animal Images” You Don’t Want To Miss

15 Very “Important Animal Images” You Don’t Want To Miss

No matter how your day is going, looking at pictures of cute animals is an instant mood-booster.