Go OUT and play! One in three children has never climbed a tree and half have never made a daisy chain
A shocking study found that 60 per cent of children would rather watch TV or play computer games than venture outdoors, as experts warned they were missing out on vital experiences.
12 breeds that make great house cows
A year-round milk supply is one of the ultimate signs of self-sufficiency. These are the cows to consider. Words: Nadene Hall Milk from a house cow, goats or sheep gives you a valuable resource you can use to drink, for cheese, and to make soap. 6 TIPS FROM HOUSE COW OWNERS 1. You will need good quality, food-grade, preferably stainless steel buckets and fridge to store milk in large quantities (only keep raw milk 2-3 days then use it or freeze it). Occasionally, you can find 100-litre milk vats on Trade Me from Winsam Farms in Northland. 2. For a
How to Scare Readers
Ah yes, torturing readers, your favourite hobby!