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The 30 Most Beautiful Nature Photography

The 30 Most Beautiful Nature Photography

You can ask any architect about nature, and they will tell you that there is no greater inspiration for a young, or even a more experienced architect than

27 Remarkable Images That Will Flame The Fire Of Your Soul

27 Remarkable Images That Will Flame The Fire Of Your Soul

Take a break and indulge in this glutinous compilation of pics.

Roll-A-Tim Burton

Roll-A-Tim Burton

This is a one-page JPG handout for a Tim Burton-style character portrait! This is a fun way to get your students' creativity flowing while having fun creating spooky characters. If you are not familiar with the Roll-A-Die games you can play it by yourself or with a group of people. Each player take...

How to get started in Hand-Lettering

How to get started in Hand-Lettering

This is going to be a very basic, beginners post, Sharing all about pens, brushes, markers, chalk and how to use them.

Toxic habits to give characters protagonist flaws cheat sheet ideas worksheet writing tips aesthetic

Toxic habits to give characters protagonist flaws cheat sheet ideas worksheet writing tips aesthetic

To give your characters some texture and make them feel more realistic, consider balancing their virtues with a sprinkle of toxicity.