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Vintage Envelope Art was Awesome

Vintage Envelope Art was Awesome

What a rare treat it would be to receive something like this today. It certainly makes emailing look pretty souless in comparison. I've come across wonderful collection of French letters and envelopes, romancing the lost art of doodling! Pierre-Stéphane Proust has been collecting these delicate nove

Cinematic Paintings Capture the Tranquil Beauty of a Romanticized American Southwest

Cinematic Paintings Capture the Tranquil Beauty of a Romanticized American Southwest

“I like to invite observers into a world that is merely similar to the one they know, an adjacent world. Perhaps, the adjacent West."

Новые и старые сказки Журавлевой

Новые и старые сказки Журавлевой

Поскольку в журнале есть пост с описанием ее работ, ограничусь простым показом тех картин, что не вошли в предыдущую подборку. Две ведьмы обедают у бабушки Грудная клетка На прошлой неделе сделала компьютерную томографию из-за небольших проблем с дыханием, но сканирование показало нулевую…

Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016 Finalists

Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016 Finalists

The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016 (see 2015 here) came to an end on October 1st, and the shortlisted final 40 beautiful photos have finally been revealed.