Types of Pants – A to Z of PANTS
Learn all about the types of pants with illustrations and photos of pants, trousers and the ever-popular jeans. Baggy pants to tight pants.
cute bunny with bow icon
Wouldn't it be nice to be able to genuinely praise God for making you just the way you are? No matter how you feel about yourself, God thinks you're beautiful!
A Closer Look at Edgar Degas’ Ballet Dancers
'A painting requires a little mystery, some vagueness, and some fantasy.' Edgar Degas Let's take a closer look at Edgar Degas' ballet dancers. It's a large body of work, containing around 1,500 paintings, sketches, pastels, and sculptures. Degas sums them up nicely in the above quote. I cover: Edgar Degas, Ballet at the Paris Opera,
Русские сказки Юлии Журавлевой
Юлия Журавлева - московский иллюстратор и художник комиксов. Часто обращается к теме русского фольклора. Свет и чистота, и лирическое восприятие жизни. Иногда с капелькой грусти. САЙТ