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Design Firm Sawyer | Berson Revamps an Incredible Manhattan Townhouse

Design Firm Sawyer | Berson Revamps an Incredible Manhattan Townhouse

Sawyer | Berson’s spectacular makeover of a 1920s Manhattan townhouse goes above and beyond

The Essential Handbook for Mid-Century Modern Kitchen Design

The Essential Handbook for Mid-Century Modern Kitchen Design

Mid-century modern kitchen design revolutionized the way we perceive and utilize this essential space. Designers and architects of the era recognized the

Jordan’s natural beauty

Jordan’s natural beauty

Discover a green and fertile land, with eco-lodges built deep in the kingdom's flourishing nature reserves

Renovation stories: what happens after the planning permission?

Renovation stories: what happens after the planning permission?

It’s been hectic few weeks since we had our planning permission approved for our renovation project. Initial feelings of excitement turned afterwards to feeling overwhelmed as there is just s…

zean macfarlane

zean macfarlane

Modern Slice - Zean Macfarlane

Architecture for Travellers: Bold, Beautiful, Baroque Architecture

Architecture for Travellers: Bold, Beautiful, Baroque Architecture

Grand, theatrical and oh so OTT—the Baroque era was seeded in 16th-century Rome with the Catholic Church wanting to parade power and wealth in response to

Ghostly pictures of urban decay show the country’s most eerie corners

Ghostly pictures of urban decay show the country’s most eerie corners

For six years, Cleveland, Ohio photographer Brandon P. Davis, 26, has researched old spaces, taking sombre yet breathtakingly beautiful pictures of their interiors, which have long been forgotten by their human inhabitants.

90+ Elegant Black Home Exterior Ideas

90+ Elegant Black Home Exterior Ideas

Black home exterior ideas offer a bold aesthetic, ranging from sleek all-black exteriors to striking combinations with white or wood accents.

部屋全体/テーブル/おうち時間/シンプル/フローリング…などのインテリア実例 – 2022-08-20 21:00:11 | RoomClip(ルームクリップ) | RoomClip(ルームクリップ)

部屋全体/テーブル/おうち時間/シンプル/フローリング…などのインテリア実例 – 2022-08-20 21:00:11 | RoomClip(ルームクリップ) | RoomClip(ルームクリップ)

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