Disney depiction of obese Polynesian god in film Moana sparks anger
Portrayal of the god Maui has prompted debate over unhealthy stereotypes of Polynesian men on screen
How to draw a cute little mouse character in Procreate – Lisa Glanz
Let’s draw a cute little mouse, it’s not as hard as you think! In this Procreate tutorial I’ll show you how to draw the little cutie mouse using one of the Character Drawing Toolkit shapes. Then we move onto adding colour and yummy texture in Procreate using the Instant Artist Collection! #letsdrawlisaglanz Happy sketching!
Best Day Ever: Lake Tahoe Wedding Photographer BlogLake Tahoe Surprise Proposal
A surprise proposal on a Lake Tahoe dock.
A Closer Look at Edgar Degas’ Ballet Dancers
'A painting requires a little mystery, some vagueness, and some fantasy.' Edgar Degas Let's take a closer look at Edgar Degas' ballet dancers. It's a large body of work, containing around 1,500 paintings, sketches, pastels, and sculptures. Degas sums them up nicely in the above quote. I cover: Edgar Degas, Ballet at the Paris Opera,