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Beatrix Potter FREE Printables

Beatrix Potter FREE Printables

This 9-week poetry study guide will take you through nine poems written by Helen Beatrix Potter. Each week (or longer) your student will study one poem.

Virginia’s Natural Maze – Hiking the Great Channels

Virginia’s Natural Maze – Hiking the Great Channels

Journey through a sandstone slot canyon in southwest Virginia! The labyrinth of crevices, passageways, and twists and turns means it's easy to get lost.

Philip Pocock’s best photograph: Miriam the Berlin punk – and her rat Bestia

Philip Pocock’s best photograph: Miriam the Berlin punk – and her rat Bestia

‘The punks were sceptical of my presence. One guy even headbutted me. In retrospect, I think it was a sign of acceptance’

44 Easy Drawing Ideas For Girls: Drawing Females For Beginners

44 Easy Drawing Ideas For Girls: Drawing Females For Beginners

Get your creative juices going by looking at this article filled with the 44 best drawing ideas for girls characters! It's perfect for beginners!

빌딩 그리는 법

빌딩 그리는 법

주의해 주세요 (WARNING) 그림을 그리는 모든 사람들에게 도움이 되었으면 해서 작업한 내용입니다. 가능한 원작자분과 연락을 해서 허락을 얻은 다음에 번역하려고 노력 중입니다. 얼마든지 퍼가셔도 되지만, 원작자의 허가없이 상업적으로 사용하거나 수정하시면 안 됩니다^^;; 가급적 출처는 밝혀주시면 좋겠습니다. 원작자 출처 -