~restoration hardware ish looking book covers~ – My Sweet Savannah
Head on over to your nearest thrift store and pick up the biggest, fattest, hardcover book you can find, because we are making one of these: You will need a box cutter or knife, drop cloth material, a iron, and mode podge. This was the biggest book I could find. I believe you could also ... Read More about ~restoration hardware ish looking book covers~
Nature-Inspired Bedside Table Ideas with Sculpted Wood
Clever bedside tables elevate ordinary sleeping spaces through creative styling, storage solutions and unexpected materials beyond boring cookie-cutter furnishings. Whether your aesthetic vision trends traditional, modern, or bohemian, unique personalized nightstand concepts reflect individual flair
How to Build a Dog Washing Station
Make bath time more comfortable and convenient for you both — and keep the mess out of your house.
The Essentials Of Creativity By Julia Cameron
Have you read Julia Cameron's legendary creativity book 'The Artists's Way'? It is the ultimate book of all things related to creative living, creativity and happiness on every level. Julia Cameron guides you in 12 weeks through the process of RECOVERING the artists that you truly are. If you haven't read the book yet....omg, you have so much excitement ahead of you!!! xoxo Dana
Budget Friendly Sewing Room Organization Ideas
I got a sewing machine for my birthday a few years ago, and I have big plans to create my own mini "sewing room" inside an armoire. This project hasn't made it to the top of
Anemone Wallpaper
Style No. 60725751; Color Code: 071 Make a statement with our assortment of vibrant, vintage-inspired wallpaper in a variety of patterns, colors, and styles. Whether used in an entire room, on an accent wall, or to showcase your favorite piece of furniture, wallpaper complements the unique aesthetic of your home decor, and invites warmth and whimsy into your home. To calculate the square footage of your space, we recommend combining the width of each wall, then multiplying this number by your ceiling height. Next, divide this number by the square footage of a single roll of wallpaper to determine the number of rolls…
Closet Door Makeover
Give your tired bifold doors a makeover! Here is how I transformed this outdated set with just a few pieces of trim and paint.
What Kind Of Flooring Can You Put Over Carpet? – uooz.com
Are there flooring types that can be installed over the top of carpeting? Maybe you live in a rental unit and aren't allowed to change things out. Or maybe you want a temporary fix or an easy way to refloor and covering carpet is of interest. We've researched to find out if there are flooring […]