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Self-portraits by Jeffrey Chong Wang that reflect his cultural upbringing in both China and Canada

Self-portraits by Jeffrey Chong Wang that reflect his cultural upbringing in both China and Canada

Self-portraits by Jeffrey Chong Wang that reflect his cultural upbringing in both China and Canada.

17 Powerful Images Showing The Devastating Effects Of Overpopulation

17 Powerful Images Showing The Devastating Effects Of Overpopulation

It's no secret that we are exploiting our planet and running out of resources at the speed of light, but many people refuse to take notice. These unbelievable photos of environmental damage, collected into a book by environmental awareness platform Global Population Speak Out, show the harsh realities of the ecological and social tragedies that Earth is suffering.

I Made This Large-Scale Drawing Using Only Dots (17 Pics)

I Made This Large-Scale Drawing Using Only Dots (17 Pics)

This drawing was made back in 2022. The medium I used for this artwork is ink on paper. The size of the piece is 78 x 113 cm, which allowed me to capture the intricate details I was aiming for.

Persephone: The Archetype & How To Worship Or Work With Her

Persephone: The Archetype & How To Worship Or Work With Her

Persephone is one of the most important goddesses in ancient Greco-Roman mythology. Her story is a timeless tale that has been retold many times over. It's about love, it's about death, and it's also about

Vintage Envelope Art was Awesome

Vintage Envelope Art was Awesome

What a rare treat it would be to receive something like this today. It certainly makes emailing look pretty souless in comparison. I've come across wonderful collection of French letters and envelopes, romancing the lost art of doodling! Pierre-Stéphane Proust has been collecting these delicate nove