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30 Delusional And Completely Out-Of-Touch Things People Heard Others Say (New Answers)

30 Delusional And Completely Out-Of-Touch Things People Heard Others Say (New Answers)

Nobody can be correct 100% of the time. We’ve all been misinformed at one point or another, whether it was believing a commonly spread myth (no, that gum you swallowed by accident did not sit in your stomach for seven years) or misunderstanding a situation until more information became available. It’s completely natural for our ideas to grow and develop over time, but confidently spreading objectively wrong ideas is another thing.

What filling makes the best hot pack? A comparison of hot pack fillings. – a Little Crispy

What filling makes the best hot pack? A comparison of hot pack fillings. – a Little Crispy

So the weather is starting to get cold and it’s time to bring out the hot packs in my house! I have several hot packs in various shapes and sizes for warming me up or soothing sore muscles over the winter. I also love to gift hot/cold packs. It is just something everyone can use! […]

How To Make Cyanotypes

How To Make Cyanotypes

If you've ever wondered, this is how you make cyanotypes. Easy instructions and a list of supplies you need to create your own cyanotypes.

13 Things to do the First Week in Your New Home | Simply {Darr}ling

13 Things to do the First Week in Your New Home | Simply {Darr}ling

You've gotten the keys, now what? Check out this list of 13 things to do the first week in your new home.

Free Baby Quilt Patterns : 20+ Of My Favorites | Wren Collective

Free Baby Quilt Patterns : 20+ Of My Favorites | Wren Collective

I've collected over 20 of my favorite free baby quilt patterns in one post! They are all from amzing designers, so you're sure to find one you love.

DIY gedrehte und verdrehte Kerzen – sophiagaleria

DIY gedrehte und verdrehte Kerzen – sophiagaleria

Do it yourself Kerzen miteinander verdrehen und schon habt ihr tolle gedrehte Kerzen als trendige Tischdeko

Artist Trading Cards for the Sewing Buddies! | Whipstitch

Artist Trading Cards for the Sewing Buddies! | Whipstitch

So, at this point, the vast majority of Sewing Buddies have been matched. I've sent out one. last. invite. to those aspiring Buddies to make sure they're not missing something in the junk folder, but with over 200 folks joining the Sewing Buddies this year, I've officially CLOSED Sewing Buddy sign-ups until 2014. Whew! In