Denigration of the Dark-Skinned Black Woman in Postmodern American Society
It is thought that racism and all its ills have all but disappeared in postmodern 21st century American society. However, racism is an undercurrent in this society albeit covertly. There is an underlying paradigm that lighter is still better. As a result of the inundation of Eurocentric standards in society, many dark-skinned Black women often feel as if they are unattractive and unworthy in this society.
12 best JUICE CURE – There’s A Juice To Cure Every Health Condition – The Little Shine
Juice cures dates back to the ancient past, the time when home remedies were the go-to cures for most ailments and health issues. Juice cures treat these ailments or health…
How to Go Through Menopause Naturally: 7 Steps To Feel More Balanced & At Ease
Even though menopause is a totally natural process, it can also be very nerve-wracking and frustrating. Not only is it tricky to find reliable information about how to go through menopause naturally, but many times
A short juice cleanse is is a good start to flushing out the numerous toxins that routinely enter the body in the form of unhealthy food choices, environmental pollutants, or as a result of some hidden health issues.
27 Trendy Wavy Bob Hairstyles To Inspire You
With sporting bobs people started to look glitz and glamorous with curly bob hairstyles and later on the bob style size and length have changed along texture and appearance.
“Funny Face” Finalists!
Here are the finalists of the fabulous Funny Face assignment. Lots of babies and cats.
30+ Delicious Ways to Turn Tortillas into a Meal
When you've got a package sitting in your fridge, these ideas are here for you.