Wavy Bob Haircuts
If you’re looking for a new hairstyle that won’t take too much time and effort, consider getting a wavy bob haircut!
Corte de cabelo comprido em forma de borboleta
O que acha de um cabelo volumoso com camadas luxuosas e fluidas que não só amplificam o volume como também emolduram delicadamente o rosto? O corte de cabelo borboleta é tudo isso e muito mais: versátil, lisonjeiro e abre o
16 Sinister Halloween Makeup Tutorials to Scare You Out of Your Skin
16 Sinister Halloween Makeup Tutorials to Scare You Out of Your Skin
„Hair Frosting“ löst die Balayage ab & sieht so natürlich aus
Dabei werden einzelne Haarsträhnen in vom Ansatz bis in die Spitzen in einem kühlen Blond gefärbt, während die benachbarten Strähnen dunkel bleiben.
The Best Hairstyles to Pair with Bangs
Bangs might seem intimidating, but we've got you covered. These are the best hairstyles to pair with bangs for any hair length.
5 Simple Ways To Lower Bad Cholesterol
Bad cholesterol is a pain, isn’t it? Wondering how to reduce bad cholesterol naturally? Check out these 5 simple ways to lower bad cholesterol. Try these tips to stay healthy and happy
The BEST Hair Oil Recipe For FAST Hair Growth!!
Your One-Stop-Shop for all the links to haircare products that are tried, tested, and loved by me. No need to waste time searching natural methods to grow your hair long and fast.
How to Look Expensive on a Budget: 18 Tips Every Girl Needs
Want to know how to look expensive on a budget? We're sharing 18 simple fashion tips and hair and makeup hacks to make you look rich and classy for cheap!
Weight Loss After Menopause: 14 Foods to Eat and Avoid
If you're looking for tips to help with weight loss after menopause, this is a list of the best and worst foods for your waistline!
Cleanse Your Liver In A Few Days With Only 2 Ingredients
We often do not realize the kind of damage we are doing to our liver with our unhealthy eating habits and sedentary lifestyles. We must understand