30 inspiracji na jesienne paznokcie. Poznaj największe HITY tego sezonu!
Jesień zdecydowanie jest jedną z najbardziej klimatycznych pór roku. Złote opadające liście, długie wieczory i jesienne ozdoby sprzyjają pobudzaniu zmysłów. Wiele osób lubi też uzewnętrzniać swój nastrój za pomocą wyglądu. …
How To Make Design Boards on Canva (with Video & FREE Templates!)
Ready to give your room a makeover? Learn how to make Design Boards on Canva with this comprehensive video tutorial and FREE templates!
Wie man Farben im Ouftit richtig kombiniert, zeigen wir Dir mit unseren `Color Combos` – Wertvoll Fair Fashion Journal
Diesen Monat dreht sich bei uns wie Man Farben Kombiniert für einen guten Look, ein super Outfit. Dafür bietet sich die neue Herbstsaison perfekt an, denn unser Sortiment ist voll mit Farben und Materialien, die nur darauf warten, von uns und Euch zusammengetragen zu werden!
Baker’s Dozen
Feature about holiday cookies for Every Day with Rachael Ray magazine. Art direction and layout.
The Best 30 Hair Braid Styles From A Self-Taught Artist That Any Rapunzel Would Love
Hair braiding has been a part of human life for thousands of years—whether as a social art, cultural heritage, fashion, or just personal grooming preference. This particular way to wear your hair can be quite elaborate and complicated. Meet Trendafilka Kirova and her fantasy-like hair designs mesmerizing hair-braiding enthusiasts.Originally from Macedonia, she has a master’s degree in economics and up until a few years ago, she was working as an accountant as well as an auditor who didn’t really imagine she would radically change her career. She also couldn’t guess the attention her work would receive and that her followers…