How-To: Kitchener Stitch for Joining Seams in Knitting
Beautifully join two knitting pieces with active stitches together with this helpful kitchener stitch tutorial!
How to Needle Felt: Needle Felting for Beginners
How to needle felt for beginners, with a list of needed supplies. Needle felting is easy and fun, and you only need a few supplies!
How to Grow Watermelon in Your Garden: From Seed to Harvest
Nothing beat homegrown watermelon! Learn how to grow watermelon in your vegetable garden, plus how to start from seed and when to harvest.
How to DIY a French Tufted Mattress
Ever wanted to learn how to DIY a French Tufted Mattress? Here’s how to make it happen in five (relatively) easy steps.
Sloped Ceiling Closet Ideas!
Sloped or slanted ceilings and knee walls can present problems when it comes to storage. Check out these sloped ceiling closets to find a solution!
21 Genius Cleaning Hacks (lazy girl edition)
Super Clean House Ideas (life hacks home organizing ideas): These cleaning hacks are great for tiny apartments, small home, and even decluttering ideas for minimalism. Find out how to have a lifestyle free of clutter with these clean house tips and organizing ideas.
Man spreads wet cement into egg cartons to make the most unique looking flowerpots
It's amazing what people can create with the things they have on hand.