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30 Copper Hair Color Ideas to Start Your Redhead Journey – Hair Adviser

30 Copper Hair Color Ideas to Start Your Redhead Journey – Hair Adviser

Whether you are a natural redhead looking for a way to elevate your look or a newbie to the world of sunny hair colors, copper hair color is definitely the option you should try on this year since it is officially in vogue. We have collected 30 copper hair color ideas that can help you …

Best Nail Arts For You

Best Nail Arts For You

more best nailart ideas please visit visit to see more

How To Grow Longer Eyelashes | DIY Eyelash Growth Serum

How To Grow Longer Eyelashes | DIY Eyelash Growth Serum

Making a DIY natural eyelash growth serum is so easy & effective! You’ll love how thicker and longer your lashes will look with regular use! When I was in high school, I used castor oil alone to grow my eyelashes longer ad thicker and I must say, it did work though I only did it …

Sourdough Rye Bread Recipe [hearty + rustic]

Sourdough Rye Bread Recipe [hearty + rustic]

A simple rye bread with big intense flavors perfect for sandwiches. Bake it as a boule or batard or even in a loaf tin, the choice is yours!

Маска, которая в разы сделает ваши волосы гуще и сильнее!

Маска, которая в разы сделает ваши волосы гуще и сильнее!

Облысение или выпадение волос – сегодня достаточно распространенная проблема для обоих полов. Это может быть вызвано целым рядом факторов, таких как физический или эмоциональный стресс, недостаток питания, гормональный дисбаланс, аллергия, плохая гигиена и неправильное использование средств по уходу за волосами. Эта маска для волос, рецептом который мы сегодня поделимся, стимулирует рост новых волос в тех местах, где они выпали.

9 Things To Never Say To A Woman Who Doesn’t Believe In Marriage

9 Things To Never Say To A Woman Who Doesn’t Believe In Marriage

A woman can have a million reasons to decide to give a hard pass to marriage, and it's not fair to question her choice. When you come across a woman who doesn't believe in marriage, there are certain things that you should probably avoiding saying…