A Fantastic Animated Version of Edvard Munch’s Painting ‘The Scream’ Set to a Pink Floyd Soundtrack
The painting "The Scream" by Edvard Munch is brought to life in an animation set to the song "The Great Gig In The Sky" by Pink Floyd.
Illustration inspired by warm summer evenings and dinners at Merotoro in Mexico City. The motif depicts a table set with a plate of lemon slices, water, wine and candles. The playful line painting is made in burgundy on a strong pink background that suits the more colorful home.
Why Not Tell Your Story with Doodle Drawings… as Well as Words?
We may not be an artist, but we can all doodle - The life of a story is in the detail, so tell your story with a few doodle pictures and see it come to life
Artist Creates Hilariously Ridiculous Comics With Absurdly Unexpected Twists (30 Pics)
Some comic artists tend to find joy in making people laugh with their work, and animator Josh Sachs, otherwise known as “Baldstache”, is set on doing exactly that. His comics go from simple and borderline innocent everyday situations to literally ridiculous, absurd, and unexpected twists that have a “sprinkle” of surrealism to them.