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12 Ways to Make an Art Studio at Home

12 Ways to Make an Art Studio at Home

Twelve easy ways to make an art studio in your home, no matter how small or cluttered!

Partnerschaft: Die Probleme im Single-Universum – WELT

Partnerschaft: Die Probleme im Single-Universum – WELT

Fragen wie diese stellen sich viele Singles rund um ihr erstes Date. Dabei können einem gerade die Männer schon leid tun: Entweder sind sie zu forsch oder zu zurückhaltend. Tretminen lauern überall.

Simon Says Stamp | Happy Christmas or Merry Christmas?

Simon Says Stamp | Happy Christmas or Merry Christmas?

During my latest trip to the UK, I had an interesting and very educational discussion with some of the local crafters about the use of the phrase "Happy Christmas" versus "Merry Christmas". I learned a lot. If you are in the UK (or any other part of the world, really) do you prefer your Christmas