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Substitute Planning – Inspire Me ASAP

Substitute Planning – Inspire Me ASAP

Hello! I’m Nicole from Teaching With Style and I’m so excited to be over here on Melissa’s new blog, Inspire Me, ASAP! Melissa has some amazing ideas and her units have come in handy MANY times! When I moved from 1st to 3rd a few years ago, my new team wasn’t as strong as my […]

Create Edgy To-Do or Checklists with Check boxes in Excel + Shortfall calculator | Excel for beginne

Create Edgy To-Do or Checklists with Check boxes in Excel + Shortfall calculator | Excel for beginne

The ones who like to plan adores to-do lists as well. And if you are also the one who likes to strike a line or tick or dash or mark then this tutorial is for you. As I teach ACCA and other professional qualification students and at the same time teaching several subjects it is […]

Architecture Photograph by Philip Shalam, Digital on Paper, 23.2 x 33.1 in – Contemporary Original Artwork For Sale on Saatchi Art.

Architecture Photograph by Philip Shalam, Digital on Paper, 23.2 x 33.1 in – Contemporary Original Artwork For Sale on Saatchi Art.

ABOUT THE ARTWORK I have been an avid photographer for nearly 20 years, I primarily shoot architecture. I am based in London however I lived many years in New York City. New York inspired me to take up photography. In the same vein as my homage to NYC set of collages I have made two of London. All photos were taken by me, printed then cut and pasted to board, the original is then scanned. A signed numbered certificate will accompany the poster. Original Created: 2022 Subjects: Architecture Materials: Paper   Styles: Conceptual,   Contemporary,   Documentary,   Modern,  …

Best List of Free Homeschool Curriculum

Best List of Free Homeschool Curriculum

A huge list of free homeschool curriculum avaliable for your family to use. Find out what free homeschool resources are available for your family.

Understanding the Rule of Thirds in Photography

Understanding the Rule of Thirds in Photography

Understanding the Rule of Thirds in Photography - One of the easiest ways to improve your photography is to apply the rule of thirds when shooting.

Unspoken Female Gestures That Can Drive A Man Crazy

Unspoken Female Gestures That Can Drive A Man Crazy

When you are in a relationship, the only constant thought on your mind is, what is it that you can do to keep him happy. Most women settle for the obvious

Creating an Epic Flipped Classroom in Middle School Science and Math

Creating an Epic Flipped Classroom in Middle School Science and Math

Have you ever wanted to create a flipped classroom but didn't know where to begin. This blog post provides some steps in order to...