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Plan 677030NWL: 1-Bed Cottage ADU with 8-Foot-Deep Front Porch – 672 Sq Ft

Plan 677030NWL: 1-Bed Cottage ADU with 8-Foot-Deep Front Porch – 672 Sq Ft

This 1 bed, 1 bath ADU gives you 672 square feet of heated living and has a 192 square foot, 8-foot-deep front porch. Architectural Designs' primary focus is to make the process of finding and buying house plans more convenient for those interested in constructing new homes - single family and multi-family ones - as well as garages, pool houses and even sheds and backyard offices.  Our website offers a vast collection of home designs, encompassing various architectural styles, sizes, and features, which can be customized to meet specific needs and preferences. We curate and add to our design portfolio…

76 Kitchens Illuminating Concrete Cool with Tropical Warmth in Brutalist Fashion

76 Kitchens Illuminating Concrete Cool with Tropical Warmth in Brutalist Fashion

In this gallery the raw power of Brutalist architecture meets the vibrant, lush allure of Tropical design. It's an unexpected mashup that creates a stunning

Nello studio di Ezio Gribaudo, un monolite di cemento armato a Torino

Nello studio di Ezio Gribaudo, un monolite di cemento armato a Torino

Nel 1974 Andrea Bruno progetta per lo studio dell'artista Ezio Gribaudo una geometria lineare in cemebto a vista: guarda le foto.

Gothic Revival Style – The Craftsman Blog

Gothic Revival Style – The Craftsman Blog

The Gothic Revival style is a beautiful and ornate example of historic architecture done very right, with steeply pitched roofs and lots of detailing!

Gallery of Paulo Rolo House / Inspazo Arquitectura – 17

Gallery of Paulo Rolo House / Inspazo Arquitectura  – 17

Image 17 of 18 from gallery of Paulo Rolo House / Inspazo Arquitectura. Second Floor Plan

28 Window Types and Styles (A Helpful Illustrated Guide)

28 Window Types and Styles (A Helpful Illustrated Guide)

When you realize how many different types of window designs exist, why they exist, what their applications are and how each type of window is used, you may find them more fascinating than you realized!

36 magnifiques maisons en pierre

36 magnifiques maisons en pierre

Voyagez sans bouger de votre fauteuil en découvrant ces 36 magnifiques maisons en pierre dénichées sur Pinterest.

An Insiders Guide: Austria – Vienna to Admont to Hallstatt to Gmunden – Dame Traveler

An Insiders Guide: Austria – Vienna to Admont to Hallstatt to Gmunden – Dame Traveler

Sharing a few key sights in Vienna before getting a glimpse of the Austrian countryside with a visit to the Admont Abbey Library. Where to Stay Starting in Vienna (or Wien in German), the capital of Austria, I situated myself in the 3rd district. Vienna is broken into 23 districts, with the 1st being the