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Crochet aesthetic

Crochet aesthetic

Welcome to Bepatterns, your ultimate destination for beautiful crochet patterns and tutorials. Whether you're a seasoned crochet enthusiast or just starting

118 Times Not-So-Smart People Did Not So Smart Things

118 Times Not-So-Smart People Did Not So Smart Things

We all have those moments, times when reason and logic are temporarily suspended and a brain fart occurs. If you are lucky, you are alone and the only negative consequences are the slightly bruised ego that comes with the realization that you aren't quite as clever as you thought you were.

Free Knitting Patterns That Rock!

Free Knitting Patterns That Rock!

Free knitting patterns that rock! Take a look through this roundup of awesome patterns and choose your next knitting project.

40 Times People Showed Off Their Best Embroidery Works

40 Times People Showed Off Their Best Embroidery Works

Embroidery has been around forever — the earliest surviving pieces of this craft are Scythian, dated to between the 5th and 3rd centuries BCE. Virtually every culture has some form of it in their textile art history.

Decorating with Green

Decorating with Green

In honor of St. Patricks Day and spring being right around the corner, we are celebrating the color green! Green is nature’s neutral and there are SO many ways to use a little OR a lot to bring life to your interiors…

Cloth Paper Scissors: July/August 2012 Table of Contents – Cloth Paper Scissors

Cloth Paper Scissors: July/August 2012 Table of Contents – Cloth Paper Scissors

Learn more about the July//August 2012 issue of Cloth Paper Scissors here!

Front Yard Landscaping Tips: 350+ Gardeners’ Best Advice

Front Yard Landscaping Tips: 350+ Gardeners’ Best Advice

Over 350 seasoned gardeners were asked... What is the #1 thing you wish you'd known before landscaping your front yard? Here are there responses.

A Once-Beige Townhouse Is Now Incredibly Bold, Dramatic, and Colorful

A Once-Beige Townhouse Is Now Incredibly Bold, Dramatic, and Colorful

When Melanie first moved in to this townhouse, it was a big empty white and beige box..but she knew it had great potential!