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How to Print Your Photos on Fabric for Embroidery (and Beyond!)

Embroidered photos are the next big craft project we can’t get enough of! Inspired by Robert Mahar’s photo embroidery workshop at Craftcation, we’re showing you how to prep your photos […]
How To Decorate A Room In 5 Simple Steps

How to decorate a room in 5 simple steps - a Beginner's Guide. Learn how to decorate with these tips from a Designer & True Color Expert!
50 People Who Had The ‘Pleasure’ Of Living Next To The Most Horrible People (New Pics)

Ah, the neighbors. We all have them, and not all of them are necessarily our favorites. Especially when they literally invade our personal space, litter in our backyard, and simply don’t know how to act like a decent human being. Such neighbors in our books are listed as terrible, and today, we intend to expose what behavior is strictly a no-no.