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Maxine McCrann / Daydreaming

Maxine McCrann / Daydreaming

Maxine McCrann delights in the everyday. Inspired by her passion for community, food, wine, and all things bold and colourful, Maxine’s work offers poetic depictions of life in Toronto, Detroit, and her native New York City. With a client list boasting the likes of The Drake Hotel, Shop Coat, and many more best-in-Toronto hot spots, Maxine has become one of the city's most beloved artists.  A peachy pink, a brick red, a tangerine orange colour all in one piece — may typically feel too bold or eccentric, but this work of art makes it feel whole. An artwork that can tie together hues…



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Vintage Envelope Art was Awesome

Vintage Envelope Art was Awesome

What a rare treat it would be to receive something like this today. It certainly makes emailing look pretty souless in comparison. I've come across wonderful collection of French letters and envelopes, romancing the lost art of doodling! Pierre-Stéphane Proust has been collecting these delicate nove