Check out these gorgeous blue home exterior paint ideas that’ll enhance your curb appeal in a colorful way.
30 pinturas hiperrealistas que te harán creer que son fotografías
Desde los antiguos griegos, el realismo ha inspirado a un gran número de artistas. Sin embargo, durante la década de 1960 y los 70 fue cuando la pintura altamente realista alcanzó su punto álgido. En aquellos años fue cuando nació el fotorrealismo y el hiperrealismo. Estas corrientes artísticas siguen gozando de gran popularidad. De hecho, […]
'Amansara', a modern bungalow design with unique fluid balconies, open spaces and green pockets. Located in the city of Surat, the site is in the Althan area.
13 Things I Found on the Internet Today (Vol. DXXII)
1. Dream Vacations by 3D Designer Nicole Wu More luxury from the future on her instagram account. 2. The Electric Utilities Pavilion, 1939 at the The World of Tomorrow The New York's World's Fair, more about how its world of tomorrow shaped our today, found
Minoru Yamasaki
Минору Ямасаки. Главный терминал аэропорта в Сент-Луисе (Сент-Луис, Миссури, США, 1956). Минору Ямасаки (1912–1986) - американский архитектор, сочетавший стилистику интернационального стиля с чертами неоклассики. Созданный им стиль отличался декоративным изяществом железобетонных форм и…
“Modern Victorian” Design Inspiration For Our New Orleans Home — Probably This
Hello friends! We’ve been kinda quiet on the blog because we have been knee deep in projects around the house—figuratively and literally—that aren’t really internet worthy. Not much pretty stuff going on over here, yet! So much of these first six weeks in our home have been about learning about the
Gallery of Secret Garden House / Wallflower Architecture + Design – 30
Image 30 of 41 from gallery of Secret Garden House / Wallflower Architecture + Design. Photograph by Marc Tey